This time last year as I was filling up the kettle to heat up some hot water for tea, I realized I use hot water every morning, every evening, and many times in between on a daily basis. I knew there had to be a better way. I was excited to welcome the instant hot water dispenser to our home. Do you know how quickly I can make a cup of tea? Yes, in an instant. I also don’t have to keep the kettle on the stove top.
I use the dispenser to make quick cook oatmeal, get caked on junk stuff off of dishes, and more. This web site talks about the benefits of an instant hot water system. I have no idea how I lived without one before. A bit funny, but true!
If you are looking for a small, fairly inexpensive way to add a “perk” to you kitchen, consider installing an instant hot water dispenser. You won’t be sorry you did.